InVisage announced that it has obtained the top gold award for developing QuantumFilm technology. The award is given by the International Imaging Industry Association's (I3A) VISION 2020 Imaging Innovation and seeks to recognize innovators whose vision will drive the imaging industry and enable inventions in the field of intelligent imaging in the future.
Invisage - QuantumFilm Technology
The QuantumFilm technology is based on a quantum dot material that is used for image sensors and enables camera phones to capture images of excellent quality. The award was announced at the 6Sight Mobile Imaging Summit that took place in San Jose.
Currently, the image sensors are manufactured using silicon, which is an inefficient medium for capturing light. The technology negates the limitations of silicon by using a quantum dot material spin coated on the silicon wafer’s top portion. The silicon wafer is only used to read the data. Since the quantum dots are of nanometer scale, exceptional capture of light is enabled and can be manufactured using a CMOS manufacturing procedure.
InVisage’s Chief Executive Officer, Jess Lee stated that the company is pleased to have been recognized with the gold award. President of I3A, Lisa Walker also mentioned that the technology would have a substantial impact on the imaging industry in the forthcoming years. Entries for the VISION 2020 award were evaluated by a group of judges comprising analysts, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and industry experts.