Oct 5 2015
The 1st edition of Graphene & 2D Materials Canada 2015 International Conference & Exhibition will take place in Montreal (Canada): 14-16 October, 2015.

Graphene Canada 2015 attractive and promising program features 43 high-level Keynote and Invited speakers from all over the world, with a perfect mixture of fundamental research and industrial perspective. Full program here.
Top industry leaders will discuss recent advances in technology developments and business opportunities in graphene commercialization.
Not to be missed:
- The plenary session
- An industrial forum with focus on Graphene Commercialization (ALCERECO Inc., AMO GmbH, Angstron Materials, Grafoid Inc., Graphene Laboratories Inc., Graphene Square, Graphenea, Haydale Graphene Industries, IDTECHEX, IBM, Jestico + Whiles, NEMA, Tata Steel Research & Development, THALES Research & Technology)
- Extensive thematic workshops in parallel (Materials & Devices Characterization, Chemistry, Biosensors & Energy and Electronic Devices)
- A significant exhibition (Delong America, Grafoid Inc., Graphene CGIA / SCF Nanotech, Graphenea, ICEX Spain Trade & Investment, NanoMagnetics Instruments, Phantoms Foundation, PLASMIONIQUE Inc, Raith America, Inc., Renishaw (Canada) Limited, The Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), The Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO), The International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), ThermTest, and Xerox Research Centre of Canada)
- Brokerage event to foster future collaborations
The event will bring together, from a global perspective, scientists, researchers, end-users, industry, policy makers and investors in an environment of cooperation and sharing towards the challenges of Graphene commercialization.