Nov 15 2005
CPI is the driving force behind a number of the North East's strategic R&D initiatives. Each of CPI' programmes focuses on bringing cutting edge technology research to the region, which can be exploited for commercial application. As one of the Centres of Excellence, CPI and its programmes form a key component of the region's Strategy for Success, developed by the regional development agency, One NorthEast.
CPI is taking the leading role in bringing new emerging polymer electronics and direct write technologies to the North East of England. The Plastic Electronics Technology Centre will offer clients full end-to-end services for product innovation including product design, prototyping and low volume manufacturing capabilities.
Status: PETeC R&D facilities ervices will be on-stream during 2007
Centre for Electronic Nano-Systems (CENS)
CPI is enabling businesses to readily access expertise, experience and facilities at DurhamUniversity for integrating and testing novel electronic, RFID, MEMS, NEMS, sensors and signal processing software components for innovating and prototyping new devices and products.
Status: CENS R&D services are already on-stream
Atomic Layer Deposition for Nano & Macro-Electronics (ALD)
CPI is bringing one of the key production processes for manufacturing silicon wafers and microchips to the North East of England. ALD is increasing in significance as the semiconductor industry seeks to reduce the size of transistors and more novel devices are designed and developed.
Status: ALD R&D facilities and services will be on-stream mid 2006
BioNano Capital Projects
CPI has targeted investment in strengthening the capacity and capability of the North East for stimulating further R&D in emerging small-scale healthcare and medical technologies. Six capital projects have been funded through the BioNano R&D programme:
- Photonics Materials Institute
- Polymer lab-on-a-chip devices
- Micro and nano-scale surface structuring of biocompatible materials
- Nanoscale sensors for probing living cells
- Nano-coatings for biomedical & sensor applications
- Screening drug metabolism
UIC for Nanotechnology & Microsystems
CPI is working closely with One NorthEast and the five universities in the North East of England to monitor the progress of the UIC for Nanotechnology & Microsystems programme(UIC NanoTech). The programme aims to connect university expertise and facilities with industry, particularly small and medium-sized companies.
Status: UIC NanoTech programme is now on-stream
This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by CPI.
For more information on this source, please visit CPI.