TEM Windows and grids are what hold samples in place during analysis by transmission electron microscopy or TEM. The selection of the correct window for your application can influence the results obtained and efficacy of sample preparation. Some of the factors that need to be considered when choosing the right TEM window for your application are outlined below.
Apertures - Slots or Squares
TEMwindows.com can supply TEM windows in a variety of geometries from standard two slot to nine square formations. The square aperture geometry provides slightly more robust ness meaning they are more likely to survive rigors of sample preparation. On the otyer hand, slots allow larger uninterrupted viewing windows.
Frame Thickness - 100 or 200 Microns
TEMwindows.com grids are designed to fit into standard 3 mm TEM sample holders. 200 micron thick frames fit most standard holders, while 100 micron thick frames fit holders designed for high tilt or thin carbon grid applications.
Membrane Thickness and Type
Several variables will influence the choice of membrane thickness and type. These include:
- Thinner membranes (5-10 nm) are more suited to higher resolution imaging, while thicker membranes (15-50 nm) are better for demanding sample preparation procedures.
- Thicker membrane should be used during method development and moving to thinner membranes for final imaging.
- Specimen preparation methodology can influence the choice of membrane. Properties of the speciment membrane such as thermal and chemical stability, surface hydrophobicity, and plasma cleanability differ among the various membranes and need to be considered for each application.
TEM Window Robustness
TEM windows in a 0.1mm nine window geometry are the most robust substrates for your TEM needs. Silicon Nitride windows are particularly robust and are able to withstand pressures of greater than 50 psi. We recommend optimizing your procedure on thicker membranes as they are generally stronger and moving on to a thin membrane for your final image.
TEM Window Geometries
This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by SiMPore Inc.
For more information on this source, please visit SiMPore Inc.