BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology

The frontiers of microtechnology and nanotechnology are changing the face of medicine through the efforts of researchers to build biomedical microelectromechanical systems, or bioMEMS - tiny working machines so small, they measure only a few millionths of a meter across.
BIOMEMS AND BIOMEDICAL NANOTECHNOLOGY, edited by Mauro Ferrari, comprises the first comprehensive reference devoted to all aspects of research in the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), microfabrication, and nanotechnology. Contributions report on fundamental and applied investigations of the material science, biochemistry, and physics of biomedical microdevices.
BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology is a comprehensive reference consisting of 4 volumes:
- I: Prospectus, Biological and Biomedical Nanotechnology (Volume Editors, A. Lee and L. Lee)
- II: Micro and Nano-Technologies for Genomics and Proteomics (Volume Editors, M. Ozkan and M. Heller)
- III: Therapeutic Micro/Nanotechnology (T. Desai and S. Bhatia)
- IV: Biomolecular Sensing, Processing and Analysis (Volume Editors, R. Bashid and S. Wereley)
- This reference is devoted to research in the diagnostic and therapeutic applications of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, microfabrication, and nanotechnology.
Subjects include the design, characterization, testing, modeling and clinical validation of microfabricated systems and their integration on-chip and in larger functional units. There will be specific discussions on systems for neural stimulation and recording, bioseparation technologies such as nanofilters and electrophoretic equipment, miniaturized analytic and DNA identification systems, biosensors, and microtechnologies for cell and tissue research, tissue engineering, cell transplantation and the controlled release of drugs and therapeutic proteins.
A CD accompanies each volume containing high resolution reproductions of all figures appearing in the volumes, many of which are in color.
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