Semilab’s SE-1000 spectroscopic ellipsometer is a flexible and high-performance characterization tool in an efficient tabletop footprint. Ellipsometers are incredibly useful for non-destructive and non-contact optical property measurements of single-layer and multi-layer thin film samples on a variety of substrate materials.
The instrument can be configured with a wide range of wavelength options, allowing wide flexibility for different applications including CVD film characterization, thin-film solar cells, 2D materials, and many others. The manual goniometer and the manual sample stage allow budget-conscious research and development labs to access cutting-edge rotating compensator ellipsometry.
This flexible instrument can be configured with multiple spectral range variants: a standard 380-1000nm, with an option to extend both into the UV to 245nm and into the NIR out to 2100nm. Microspot and parallel beam options are available. All configurations of the instrument use up to 2048px CCD array detectors allowing very fast data acquisition in the 1s / measurement range in the visible and 10s in the NIR range.
The SE-1000 system is controlled by a standard PC or laptop computer running Semilab’s state-of-the-art SAM acquisition and SEA analysis software.

Measurement Modes
- UV-Vis-NIR Spectroscopic ellipsometry
- Generalized ellipsometry for anisotropic samples - Jones matrix
- Mueller matrix :12 normalized elements to (1,1).
- Manual mapping
- Microspot
- Spectral range extension capability
- Visualization camera
- Environmental cells: Liquid cell, heating and cooling stages, QCM cell
- Spectroscopic reflectometer

Microspot option (left) and Manual rho and theta stage (right)

Measurement and fit of Organic Solar cell multilayer structure on glass substrate