Alemnis has launched a Low-Temperature Module (LTM-CRYO) that can be easily retrofitted to the Alemnis Standard Assembly (ASA).
While the module can be used in atmospheric conditions, condensation may form on the sample surface. Hence, the operation must be perfectly performed in vacuum (for instance, inside an SEM). Both the sample and tip are heated and cooled separately.
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The LTM-CRYO includes the following components:
- One sample holder with cooling potential down to −150°C (120 K) (in vacuum)
- One indenter holder with cooling potential down to −150°C (120 K) (in vacuum)
- Three thermal sensors (with less than 0.1°C resolution)
- Cooling braids, tubing, and plate, such as feedthroughs for the pipes
- A copper cooling block is provided for liquid nitrogen
- Cables, connectors, electronics, and cooling control
- SEM feedthroughs for power sensors and temperature
- Low-temperature control software (two individual temperature control loops—one for the sample and one for the indenter)