Nanoparticles can be designed for enhanced biological imaging, and can deliver cancer drugs to targeted locations within the body. The combination of these two functionalities into a single platform has been dubbed "theranostics" - a combination of therapy and diagnostics.
By Will Soutter
15 Mar 2013
High-quality synthetic graphene will be an expensive option for the near future - but graphene composites can allow engineers to reap the benefits of the "wonder material" much sooner and at a lower cost.
By Will Soutter
13 Mar 2013
Narciso Gambacorti, Nanocharacterization Program Manager at CEA-Leti talks to AZoNano about Picosecond Acoustic Analysis for Nanotechnology.
Tim S. Fisher, Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, talks to AZoNano about Thermal Energy Transfer in Nanomaterials.
By Kalwinder Kaur
12 Mar 2013
Tim Ferland (Business Development Manager) and Aleksandr Rakitin (Applications Engineer) at ANF Technology Ltd. talk to AZoNano about alumina nanomaterial.
By Kalwinder Kaur
11 Mar 2013
Industrial manufacturing is an important part of their economy with petroleum and transportation equipment being the largest manufacturing sectors.
In AFM, a sharp tip is held at close proximity with a sample using a force-based feedback loop.
Since the passing of its General Corporation Act in 1899, it has steadily grown as a key industrial state. As of 2012, well over half of all Fortune 500 companies are incorporated in Delaware.
Advances in modern medicine are increasingly relying on electronic devices implanted inside the patient's body. Nanotechnology allows us to create materials and coatings to construct these devices that are fully biocompatible and able to integrate fully with the body's systems.
Electron beam lithography (EBL) is an important technique, which is used to design devices, systems and functional materials at the nano scale. In this miniaturization technique, large-scale products are converted into small-scale structures.