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h+ Explores the Area Where Our Daily Lives and Science Fiction are Merging

Can humanity plot its own evolution? Will there be a technological singularity in which artificial intelligence changes life into something beyond our comprehension? Is performance enhancement a good thing? Can we hack our energy needs and the troubled economy to end scarcity? Can we live hundreds or even thousands of years?


hplus Magazine


Better Humans LLC has just released the Spring Issue of h+, the second online edition of a new magazine that explores these - and other ideas. The 400,000+ downloads of the first issue of h+, which was published as a pdf file, is indicative of the speed at which this trend is growing. A complimentary 1 year digital magazine subscription is currently available at, with immediate access to view the new issue in live digital edition format or downloadable PDF version. Print issues version and print subscription options will also be available to readers when the official h+ Magazine website is launched in March 2009.

"The magazine allows us to address a wide array of issues that are impinging upon our lives and culture while acknowledging the controversial political and cultural aspects of these subjects," said the h+ Magazine editor, R.U. Sirius.

Featuring regular columns on nanotechnology, biotechnology artificial intelligence, neurological enhancement, and body modification, and with articles like "Singularity 101 with Vernor Vinge," "Hacking The Economy," and "Don't Tase Me, RoBro," h+ explores the area where our daily lives and science fiction are merging.

Issue #2 revolves around the theme "Is The Future Cancelled," with various futurists - including popular writers Howard Bloom (author of "The Lucifer Principle") and Douglas Rushkoff ("Media Virus") -- weighing in.

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