Nanophotonic Market Expect to Reach $3.6 Billion in 2014

The global nanophotonics market is expected to be worth US$3.6 billion by 2014, out of which the Asian market will account for nearly 74% of the total revenues. The global market is expected to record a CAGR of 100.7% from 2009 to 2014.

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Nanophotonics is born out of the combination of three major sciences: photonics, nanotechnology, and optoelectronics. While photonics and optoelectronics have revolutionized the electronics and semiconductors market, nanotechnology has the greatest potential for further improvement, and hence has emerged as the most sought-after technology by big companies and research laboratories. In spite of it being in the nascent stage, nanophotonics is expected to make it to the mainstream market owing to the higher power efficiency, thermal resistivity, and operational life.

Asia holds a major share of the global nanophotonics market. However, the U.S. and Europe represent very high growth rate of 161.1% and 160.0% respectively from 2009 to 2014.

The market is very concentrated with only the market leaders like Osram, IBM, Samsung SDI, JDSU, etc. doing extensive research in nanophotonics but as most of the application areas are related to electronics, this market is expected to attract a large number of players that would in turn increase the degree of competition.

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