Jan 20 2010
PI (Physik Instrumente) L.P. introduces a new ultra-low profile (0.6"), direct-driven, high-speed rotary stage based on its proprietary PILine piezomotor drive technology at this year's SPIE Photonics West conference.

Fast, Self-Locking, Direct Drive, Direct Encoder
The M-660 stage reaches top speeds of 720 degrees/sec. and resolution to 40 µrad (8 arcsec). Its self-locking ceramic drive holds the position steady at rest, with no energy consumption and heat generation. A directly coupled precision optical encoder provides phase lag-free, backlash-free feedback to the servo controller.
Ceramic Drive Used in the Latest Generation Optical Instruments
The compact design with minimized mass and inertia, provides high precision bidirectional speed and position control, as well as high speed motion contouring. The M-660 outperforms the stability, acceleration and settling speed of traditional servo motor direct drives and gear-driven mechanisms.
The innovative motor drive was also chosen by Leica Geosystems AG in their newest generation of surveying instruments for geodesy, because it can provide significantly higher speeds, shorter positioning times and a very high positioning accuracy when moving the measuring optics. A video demonstration is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loAhRLFFPNk
Features & Advantages
- Max. Velocity 720 °/s, Unlimited Travel Range
- Low Profile: Only 15 mm (0.6")
- Self-Locking Ceramic Direct Drive: Energy Saving & High Position Stability
- Direct Metrology Linear Encoder, 40 µrad Resolution (8 arcsecs)
- PILine Drive: Non-Magnetic, Vacuum-Compatible Working Principle
- Compact Combinations with Linear Stages Available
Controller / Software Support
A newly designed piezo motor controller is available to take advantage of the specific motion characteristics of ultrasonic ceramic motors. A fast USB interface and a solid software and driver package allow for easy and seamless integration into user applications.
Keywords & Application Examples
High-Speed Positioning, High Speed Motion Contouring, Optical Instrumentation, Piezo Ceramic Motor, Ultrasonic Drive, High-Stability Servo Motor, Non Magnetic