The HORIBA LA-950 system is the highest performance laser diffraction particle size analyzer available. Recent improvements to the PowderJet dry powder feeder include increasing the upper measurement pressure to 4 bar, completely flexible adjustment of working pressure from 0 to 4 bar, and automatic recoding and display of the pressure used for the measurement. Even sub micron samples can now be completely dispersed in the natural dry state and accurately measured from 200 nm to 3 mm.
The most significant advancement, however, comes with the launch of the revolutionary Method Expert software. This new software suite completely automates method development, making every user an expert in the challenging science of particle size analysis. Every decision required during method development is now automated through advanced software routines that guide the user through a rigorous process. The steps automated by method Expert include selection of refractive index, measurement duration, pump and stirrer speed, concentration, amount of ultrasound. The user is guided at each step to select a range of possible settings, perform the necessary measurements, and then select the optimum condition. Each chosen condition is then stored in a method file that will automatically perform each step of the procedure with the click of a single button. Other software packages create standard operating procedures, but only the HORIBA Method Expert guides the user through an informed decision making process to the development of reproducible and robust particle size methods.