Apr 6 2010
Bruker Energy & Supercon Technologies, Inc. (BEST) today announced the receipt of a $2.4 million contract from the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron, or LNLS) for the realization of a state-of-the-art, turn-key beamline.
Due to increasing demand for cutting-edge scientific research tools in Brazil, LNLS decided to build a new material science beamline with focus on high performance X-ray absorption and diffraction experiments. LNLS project leader Professor Eduardo Granado explained: "This beamline will allow LNLS users to investigate the atomic, electronic and magnetic structures of novel materials much faster and more accurately than before. It is of utmost importance for us and our strongly growing user community to realize this beamline very fast and with the highest available quality. Based on Bruker's outstanding track record, we are convinced that the scientific program can commence shortly after installation."
Mr. Wolfgang Diete, Director of BEST's Synchrotron & Beamline Business, added: "We are very proud that LNLS has selected BEST based on our technological experience and our good reputation for delivering state-of-the-art equipment at other synchrotron facilities worldwide on schedule and with excellent performance. This project is very important for LNLS and their user community, but also for our future business. Brazil has already started planning its next generation synchrotron facility for the growing demand for synchrotron radiation in the scientific community. We expect to establish a good partnership with LNLS which will qualify us for future projects as well."
Source: http://www.bruker-est.com