Apr 16 2010
Without doubt, actuators for precise control of optics were one of the main topics at the SPIE Defense, Security + Sensing 2010 Exhibition in Florida in April. Noliac's distributor Micromechatronics Inc. exhibited and attracted many visitors.
CEO of Micromechatronics Inc. Dr. Alfredo Vazquez Carazo states"Our booth was visited by many attendants. We exhibited a wide spectrum of our product portfolio, including piezoelectric multilayer actuator technologies, piezoelectric transformers, and FEA software for smart materials simulation."
Optics, energy harvesting and high voltage power supplies - The visitors represented a diverse range of industries, where optic applications was the most recurrent one. In this field, Noliac multilayer actuators providing precise control were of significant interest.
Other industries included harvesting energy applications using piezoelectric generators as well as high voltage power supplies using piezoelectric transformers.
Recurrent exhibition for Micromechatronics - This is one of our focus exhibitions, Alfredo continues. – We exhibit every year and gain subsequently an increasing network within the defense, security and sensing areas. We will definitely be back next year as well.