Springer eBooks can now also be purchased via Google's eBookstore. Google currently holds the biggest collection of Springer eBooks with more than 52,000 books, which is a combination of physically scanned books published prior to 2006 and PDF file submissions since 2006. Springer adds 4,000 newly published titles per year.
Springer eBooks are also available on Amazon for the Kindle, and in the near future Barnes & Noble for the NookStudy.com platform, Kobo Books, B&T BLIO, Entourage and Apple's iBooks, which is now receiving books in the free and open ebook format ePub. Springer will soon also deliver books in ePub format to Amazon for the Kindle.
"Springer has a device-neutral view with respect to eReaders and will work with partners who can bring our content closer to the end-users," said Ray Colón, Director eProduct Management, Springer. "A large percentage of Springer content is image, equation, and table based and used in education and research so the user experience is crucial to our end customer. We look forward to working with partners who can bring us closer to our end-users via their devices and platforms."