VEGA 3 Scanning Electron Microscope has been supplied to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by TESCAN, a company that manufactures analytical scanning electron microscopes and focused ion beam workstations for industrial applications.
Undergraduate students belonging to the mechanical engineering stream can utilize the VEGA 3 SEM to conduct experiments in the Micro and Nano Engineering lab.
Dr. Sang-Gook Kim co-founded this program to motivate students to gain insights about developing, exploring, and studying nano and micro scale structures through hands on projects. The course covered subjects in three steams such as Microfluidics, MEMS, and Nano Materials.
Jaroslav Klima, CEO of TESCAN, stated that the level of performance delivered by the user-friendly technology implemented in TESCAN VEGA 3 Scanning Electron Microscope is enough proof that it can be used for conducting research in environments involving multiple users.