Fraunhofer IPMS introduces a small MEMS-based laser microscope for usage in narrow areas such as endoscopic analysis in biology, medical, and other industry.
The microscope’s optical head of diameter 8 mm consists of a small MEMS-based silicon mirror measuring 1.9 x 1.9 mm² chip size, as well as optical elements. These optical components are capable of diverting light to the surface of the object as well as collecting the reflected light for image reconstruction and identification. To scan the surface of the object, MEMS mirror oscillates significantly at two axes. The laser beam is controlled by an objective placed before the MEMS scanner to attain a microscopic resolution of 15 µm inside the object area with feed size of nearly 3 mm.
This microscope helps to view tiny things and structures, which are difficult to be viewed in certain conditions such as in-vivo medical identification of tumor cells or some unwanted tissues through an endoscope or material examination within cavities of technical equipments through a microscope. The principle behind scanning of laser beam imaging is that it is confocal in nature. Therefore it provides a clear view, high resolution and enables capturing of multi-layer tomography images.
The optical head of the microscope is designed such that it is embedded with all the necessary items and materials that include MEMS mirror, optical components, current outlets for MEMS functioning, and an outer tube to precisely link everything. It is connected to a compound cable that assembles wires and optical fibers to a control unit placed at a distance. For control and signal processing, the control unit possesses optoelectronic detectors, laser light source, and self-enclosed electronics. Its configuration provides proper space and flexibility for selecting and combining light sources and its wavelengths, optical filters, electronics, and various detectors.
The present display setup utilizes a green laser of wavelength 532 nm, a perfect detector, and a micro-assembled electronic subsystem, which has control over all the parts of the endo-microscope and offers reconstruction of images. The electronic subsystem is linked to a personal computer or a notebook that controls the whole system, captures and saves images.