Online research website Research and Markets has released a report titled “The 2011-2016 World Outlook for Nanotechnology” from ICON Group International.
The report talks in detail about the latent demand for nanotechnology and takes into account all the aspects of the market such as the products and competitors involved.
According to the report the latent demand for nanotechnology is not equivalent to actual, past or future sales. While it is usual for latent demand to be greater than actual sales, latent demand can be higher or lower than the actual sales. This can happen when the market does not perform well and lacks international transparency. Too many regulations and cultural issues in consumption can also lead to latent demand. The report stresses the fact that in the global nanotechnology market latent demand will continue to exist irrespective of the number of players in the industry and irrespective of the kind of products and brands available. In other words, these factors do not play an effective role in ascertaining latent demand.
The report also talks about the market for nanotechnology with respect to each continent that includes Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East, Americas, Carribean and Oceania. It also talks about the potential of the global nanotechnology market.