PI (Physik Instrumente) LP, a leading manufacturer of precision motion control equipment is now offering the PI miCos vacuum positioning systems product line.
An overview of these high-end micro-positioners and nano-positioners is given in a new brochure, available for download from the PI website.
The brochure illustrates the company's extensive experience in designing complex motion control systems for high-vacuum and ultra-high-vacuum environments, such as found in synchrotrons. Extreme conditions are required in many of today's leading edge applications in fields as diverse as X-ray spectrometry, astronomy and aerospace, semiconductor test & manufacturing, high energy physics and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
PI miCos vacuum positioning products range from piezo motor drives and motorized translation stages to 6-axis parallel-kinematic positioning systems (SpaceFAB and Hexapod).
Vacuum levels to 10-9 mbar can be reached, with carefully selected materials for motors, limit switches, bearings and housings and special coatings that render lubricants unnecessary. RGA scans with the company's mass spectrometer are available to verify the vacuum compatibility of its products.
The vacuum products brochure can be downloaded at