Bruker Nano Surfaces Division invite you to attend a webinar entitled "Measuring Absolute Values of Modulus of Elasticity for Soft Materials with AFM", on Wednesday 19th December.
(a) Topographic image colored based on DMT Modulus of Nylon-ULDPE interface of heat-sealed bag material (softer=darker). (b) Force distance curves collected at ramp rates between 0.1Hz and 2KHz on PDMS. (c) DMT Modulus calculated from hundreds of curves like those in (b) over a wide range of ramp rates.
The session will run from 9:00AM to 10:00AM PST (12:00PM to 1:00PM EST, 5:00PM to 6:00PM GMT). The presenters will be Professor Igor Sokolov from Clarkson University and Bede Pittenger, PhD, Senior Applications Scientist at Bruker Nano Surfaces.
This one-hour webinar will investigate the advantages and use of atomic force microscopes (AFMs) when studying mechanics of soft materials. We will describe AFM methods to obtain absolute values of elastic modulus. We will demonstrate using polystyrene and polyurethane polymers that the bulk moduli of elasticity (the Young’s modulus) can be measured starting from indentations of as small as 2-3 nm. This can be done when using either Force Volume or PeakForce QNM modes, allowing access to mechanical property mapping over a wide range of deformation timescales.
Recent developments now allow different deformation models to be applied and the off-line examination of individual force curves from anywhere in the image for an even better understanding of the details of the tip-sample interaction.
The live broadcast will include a fully-interactive Q&A session to answer all of your applications questions.