AUREA Technology will demonstrate “in live” at the 14th conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence MAF-14 the fluorescence lifetime measurement of PbS colloidal quantum dots in solution with its CLEO/LFW innovation award winning TCSPC analyzer, the PicoXea.
The PicoXea is the first all-in-one picosecond resolution Time Correlated Single Photon Counting analyzer, which fully integrated the within the same box; the world’s most advanced single photon avalanche photodiode (SPAD), high efficient picosecond pulsed laser source and Time to Digital Converter (TDC) technologies. The PICOXEA features all the interfaces with confocal microscope for Time Resolved Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging.
About AUREA Technology:
AUREA Technology, a leading manufacturer of high-performance Single Photon Counting and picosecond laser solutions, provides the "best-in-class" Single Photon Counting modules and Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting modules, which perform very high photon detection, very low noise, and very fast timing resolution. AUREA Technology provides a new generation of well-designed optical instruments, which enable scientists and engineers to achieve outstanding results. AUREA Technology works closely with its clients and partners around the globe to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow in life sciences, nanotechnology, chemistry, biomedical, Quantum Information Technologies, aeronautics and semi-conductors industries.
Contact information:
Mr. Jerome Prieur
Email: [email protected]