Unraveling the Mysteries of Hot Carriers in Plasmonic Nanostructures

Researchers at the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics, and Physics have recently explored the intriguing potential of hot carriers—energetic electrons generated by light within plasmonic nanostructures. These tiny structures hold significant promise for future technologies due to their unique way of interacting with light and producing hot carriers, opening up exciting possibilities for innovation.

Exploring Hot Carriers in Plasmonic Nanostructures

Depending on the excitation regime, the generated hot carriers result in interconnected optical nonlinear, photochemical, and/or thermal effects. Image Credit: by Jacob Khurgin, Anton Yu. Bykov, Anatoly V. Zayats

Hot carriers are electrons that gain extra energy, typically when plasmonic nanostructures are excited by light. This light-induced excitation pushes the electrons out of equilibrium, leading to a non-equilibrium state that unlocks a variety of intriguing phenomena. One of the most exciting prospects is the ability to manipulate light itself using hot carriers, which could pave the way for innovative light-based technologies.

These hot carriers can also initiate chemical reactions on the nanostructure’s surface, offering potential advancements in photocatalysis. Additionally, they have the potential to generate electrical currents, opening new avenues for optoelectronic devices and ultrafast detectors.

This research review delves into the complexities of hot carrier generation and behavior within plasmonic nanostructures. It examines how light interacts with these structures to create hot carriers, how these carriers dissipate energy and stabilize, and how their dynamics can be fine-tuned for specific applications.

Scientists are hopeful about the future, envisioning a range of groundbreaking technologies powered by hot carriers. These advancements could include ultrafast electronics and optoelectronics, more efficient solar cells, and even new breakthroughs in nanomedicine through precise control mechanisms. This study paves the way for further exploration and development of hot carrier technologies, bringing us closer to a future where light and nanostructures take center stage.

Journal Reference:

Khurgin, J., et al. (2024) Hot-electron dynamics in plasmonic nanostructures: fundamentals, applications, and overlooked aspects. eLight. doi.org/10.1186/s43593-024-00070-w.

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