May 18 2007
VeruTEK Technologies has launched and announced the availability of its patent-pending, green nanotech solutions for environmental remediation. VeruTEK’s S-ISCO and S-ESCO solutions remedy environmental contamination from petroleum, chlorinated solvents, pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, dioxin, and other toxic chemicals “in place,” eliminating the need for costly excavation.
Co-founder and CEO Dr. John Collins said, ”We are pleased to reach this milestone as a company and especially excited about the results we have achieved in the field with our S-ISCO and S-ESCO solutions. Environmental green chemistry is a vitally important area in the global effort to create a sustainable environment for future generations and we are proud to be a part of it.”
Traditional environmental remediation solutions involve the costly removal of vast quantities of contaminated soil. Often deeper contamination is left in place and the contaminants continue to impact the community. Now, a series of Coelution Technologies® developed by VeruTEK provides safe treatment in situ (in place). By combining natural surfactants and oxidant chemistries in a manner that provides controlled dissolution and oxidation, VeruTEK scientists treat each waste site with designer remedies. This is the first approach that holistically treats soil, groundwater and soil gas contamination.
Collins added, “Coelution Technologies are 21st century technologies. They are high-tech, safe, and green. S-ISCO and S-ESCO enable treatments that remove contaminants from soils, groundwater and soil vapor, even beneath existing houses and buildings, protecting residents and communities from possible harm. These are truly groundbreaking technologies and with them we can get on with the job of cleaning these distressed sites up and contributing to a sustainable environment.”