Record Equipment Orders for Oxford Instruments

Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology Ltd (OIPT) is delighted to announce that it achieved its highest order month in the company’s 25 year history. During February the company received orders for 20 systems; amongst these is an Ion Beam Cluster System to the value of over £1m, and five production tools for a manufacturing facility in Malaysia.

Plasmalab System133

The company has a challenging strategy to double the size of the business by 2010, and this upsurge in order intake demonstrates it is well on track to achieving this growth. Oxford Instruments’ has a long term commitment to innovation and responding to customer needs. It provides the solutions customers require for flexible configurable process tools and leading edge processes for precise, controllable and repeatable etching, deposition and growth of micro and nano structures.

Mark Vosloo, Sales and Customer Support Director comments, “We are extremely pleased to have achieved an exceptional level of orders in February. This is in line with our target to double the company’s turnover by 2010. It is also an endorsement of Oxford Instruments’ position at the forefront of providing high quality, innovative process tools which are clearly answering the customers’ needs.

They are responding by placing record numbers of orders with Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology.”

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