May 8 2008
The Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research invites Australians to join the Australian delegation to the Nanotech 2008 Conference and Trade Show in Boston, Massachusetts, from 1 to 5 June 2008. Our major objectives are to locate supply chains suitable for Australian nanotechnologies, promote Australia’s nanotechnology capabilities and generate economic interest in Australian technology for Australian companies and research organisations.
Your participation in the Australian delegation will provide your organisation with an international profile for your technology, information about international nanotechnology commercial and industrial applications and the opportunity to meet international companies looking for innovative nanotechnology. The department welcomes your participation in the networking events and functions with international companies during the event.
Preparations for the event are well underway. We look forward to working with you to advance the development of Australia’s nanotechnology capabilities internationally. We hope that you, or a representative, will be able to attend the conference.
Please feel free to pass this invitation on to colleagues and peers.
IMPORTANT: If you are intending to join the Australian delegation, please send Suanne Hackett your organisation's 100 word profile immediately. This profile is sent to NSTI for launch on its website – this is an excellent international marketing opportunity for you. Upon receipt of your organisation's profile, you will be considered part of the Australian delegation unless you advise otherwise.
If you are not sending a profile but still attending, please let Suanne Hackett know at your earliest convenience to ensure you have a place at the booth and a seat at a dinner. Should you have any questions, please make contact on (02) 6276 1103 or [email protected].