The LSM 7 MP Laser Scanning Microscope from Carl Zeiss is a system which is specially tailored to the needs of multiphoton microscopy. With its excellent flexibility, compact design and outstanding ease of use, it meets customer requirements for a system that is user-friendly in every respect. It generates high resolution microscopic images for a wide diversity of experiments in biomedical and basic research. Thanks to the use of two scanners in one compact system for the very first time, two lasers with different wavelengths can be utilized sequentially or simultaneously for specimen imaging and manipulation. The range of detectors and their filter equipment, as well as an extensive line of microscope accessories, allow customization of the microscope system.
The LSM 7 MP is designed for recording high resolution images of fluorescent structures. The application fields extend from high resolution 3D imaging in long-term observations of development processes and functional imaging in conjunction with simultaneous photo-manipulation right up to imaging in combination with electrophysiological measuring methods. The outstanding imaging properties of the system are combined with a compact design despite the use of two scanners. It is quickly set up and exceptionally user-friendly thanks to ZEN - Efficient Navigation software. Carl Zeiss provides global service and support.
One of the superb features of the system is the optimized transmission of the scan module for excitation light up to 1100 nm. The extremely sensitive non-descanned detectors and the special version of a GaAsP non-descanned detector with signal outcoupling directly above the objective lens have been taken over from the LSM 710 NLO.
In combination with the Axio Examiner upright microscope stand and the AxioCam camera, the LSM 7 MP is an optimal system for performing highly specialized multiphoton microscopy applications.