HORIBA's breakthrough SA-9600 surface area technology brings exceptional convenience and confidence to surface area and pore volume analysis. Now you can perform single-point surface area, multi-point surface area and total pore volume measurements with push-button ease.
HORIBA's breakthrough SA-9600 surface area technology brings exceptional convenience and confidence to surface area and pore volume analysis. Now you can perform single-point surface area, multi-point surface area and total pore volume measurements with push-button ease.
HORIBA's use of the flowing-gas method and a modified B.E.T. equation provides both a high degree of sensitivity and fast sample analysis. Most routine total surface area measurements can be finished in as little as two minutes. Multiple sample stations can be combined with the flowing-gas technique to deliver three simultaneous sample measurements and up to ninety measurements per hour in single-point mode.
The SA-9600 series performs either single- or multi-point surface area measurements. The multi-point capability allows complete analysis of the adsorption isotherm and total pore volume while providing comparable accuracy to more expensive, less efficient static-volumetric systems.