The new patented Tapping AFM-IR™ mode from Anasys Instruments is considered the most advanced development in nanoscale IR technology and it provides the highest spatial resolution for chemical imaging, enables monolayer measurement sensitivity and expands the applications of nanoIR to a wider range of samples.
Anasys Instruments’ patented Resonance Enhanced AFMIR method has extended to incorporate Tapping AFM-IR mode, which allows for higher spatial and spectral resolutions.
Furthermore, the new FASTspectra capability along with Tapping AFM-IR enables operators with the most sophisticated and highest performance nanoscale IR spectroscopy with direct correlation to FTIR libraries.
High Resolution, High Sensitivity
Tapping AFM-IR has patented features that enhance the resolution of measurement to resolve chemical features down to 10 nm. For many applications, Tapping AFM-IR is now only limited by the resolution of the probe.
Resonance enhanced AFM-IR has continually demonstrated monolayer sensitivity to allow chemical analysis on the thinnest of surface layers.
High Speed Chemical Imaging - 10x Faster
Tapping AFM-IR enhances the typical chemical imaging speed by 10x without loss of performance, so that operators can obtain high resolution imaging quickly or select to get more data in the same amount of time.
Highest Performance Spectroscopy and Imaging
Combining Tapping AFM-IR and FASTspectra can provide the highest performance for nanoscale IR spectroscopy, and it can extend the boundary to make new discoveries.
FASTspectra based spectroscopy is the most powerful nanoscale IR spectroscopy capability currently available. It has high sensitivity, ultra-low signal-to-noise ratio and excellent spectral resolution, providing rich, detailed spectra that directly correlate to transmission-based FTIR.
Direct Correlation to FTIR Enabling Nanoscale FTIR
Due to its unique method, AFM-IR provides direct correlation to FTIR, providing nanoscale FITR capability. The spectra are of the highest quality and provide unparalleled detail used by spectroscopists in order to detect any component under measurement. This allows users to utilize conventional FTIR database libraries to detect components.
Image. Resonance enhanced AFM-IR provides direct correlation to bulk FTIR spectra, enabling nanoscale FTIR.
New Applications
Tapping AFM-IR tackles a wide range of material types and expands its capabilities into beyond those most suited by contact mode. Novel research possibilities are now available in different areas such as life sciences, nanoparticles ad soft polymer materials due to its softer measurement approach.
Advanced Capabilities, Easy Operation
Tapping based AFM is the widely utilized imaging mode in the AFM community. It is well adopted and needs minimum operator training for topographic imaging. Anasys Instruments has extended this user-friendliness into high-resolution chemical imaging in order to reduce operator training times and thereby improve time to data.
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This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Bruker Nano Surfaces, who has acquired Anasys Instruments. For more information on this source, please visit Bruker Nano Surfaces.