The ESPion is an advanced Langmuir probe for performing routine monitoring of I-V plasma characteristic in order to provide users with direct data relating to plasma reproducibility and stability.
Automatic real-time extrapolation of plasma parameters offers comprehensive data on plasma properties for use in characterisation and uniformity monitoring.
The ESPion instrument utilizes Allen Boyd Reynolds (ABR) and Orbital Motion Limited (OML) as standard plasma analysis models.
The Hiden automatic Z-drive is included for spatially resolved measurements across the plasma volume. The standard Z-drive translation options offered by Hiden are 300, 600 and 900mm.
Key Features
The main features of the ESPion are mentioned below:
- 15 scans/s acquisition rate with D-O-E interface for auto, semi or manual analyses
- 4.25MOhm at 13.56 MHz cf. 100kOhm
- Gas cooled multi-inductor chain for high temperature plasma operation
- Gas cooled multi-inductor chain is user replaceable for tuning to other frequencies
- Reference probe compensates for low frequency effects e.g. shift in the plasma potential (e.g. anodised chamber walls) or noise (e.g. power supply)
- Highest blocking impedance of any commercially available unit
- Swiftest pulsed plasma specifications of any commercial probe
- Contains all necessary gating circuitry as standard
- Self-cleaning cycle to limit probe tip contamination
- Interlocked isolation valve, 90° probes, combined linear – rotary drives options available
- ESPsoft control via RS232, RS485 or Ethernet LAN
- 300, 600 or 915mm auto linear drive options
The ESPion advanced Langmuir probe is applied in the following areas:
- Ion flux
- Ion density
- Floating potential
- Electron temperature
- Electron energy distribution
- Plasma characterisation
- Plasma potential