The Leica EM VCT500 can transfer samples in a vacuum or protected atmosphere, at room temperature, or under cryogenic conditions.
Leica EM VCT500
Stay Connected
- Link the workflow systems together.
- Use the new valve concept and active sample cooling to maximize the sample transfer.
- Continuously monitor the sample's temperature and vacuum status throughout the workflow while it is docked.

Image Credit: Leica Microsystems
Why Vacuum Cryo Transfer?
Protecting samples during transfer between various preparation and analysis systems is essential to prevent contamination and ice crystal formation resulting from inadequate protection.

Frozen sunscreen lotion. Image Credit: Prof. D. Pum, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria and C. Tomova, S. Mimietz-Oeckler, Leica Microsystems, Vienna, Austria
Why Leica EM VCM and Leica EM VCT500?
Only well-preserved samples yield their secrets in the electron microscope. The Leica EM VCM and the Leica EM VCT500 give you more time, better monitoring, and better connectivity – A gateway to new fields of applications.
Saskia Mimietz-Oeckler, Product Manager, Leica Microsystems

Image Credit: Leica Microsystems
Vacuum Cryo Manipulation System
Leica EM VCM
Using the Leica EM VCM loading station, users can connect various preparation methods to different analysis tools, including cryo-SEM, cryo-TEM, and cryo-CLEM.

Image Credit: Leica Microsystems
Leica EM VCM
Be Connected
- Everything is transferred from loading the sample under vacuum.
- Automated LN2 refilling, illumination, a magnifier, and a tool dryer facilitate sample handling without contamination.
- Up to three sample holders and three transfer options provide improved connectivity.

Image Credit: Leica Microsystems
Leica Microsystems began connecting systems for EM Sample Preparation as a logical next step to guarantee that the samples are safe throughout the entire workflow process and up to the analysis systems.

Image Credit: Leica Microsystems
Leica EM Sample Preparation Workflow
- Leica EM ICE High Pressure Freezer
- Leica EM VCM Vacuum Cryo Manipulation System
- Leica EM ACE600 High Vacuum Coater with Leica EM VCT500
- Leica EM VCT500 Vacuum Cryo Transfer System
- Adaptable to a variety of analysis systems (for instance)

Image Credit: Leica Microsystems
Flexibility to Connect
Choose the Holder
For almost any application, Leica Microsystems offers both standard and personalized sample holders:
Standard holders for the double replica technique, freeze-drying, freeze-fracturing, and other processes
Leica Microsystems offers customized holders to meet the application-specific needs of sample holders.

Image Credit: Leica Microsystems
Flexibility to Connect to the Analysis System
Every Leica EM VCT500 is a unique device tailored to meet your needs.
To ensure that the application and workflow process are completely in sync, a thorough assessment is conducted in collaboration with the Leica Sales Team, the Research and Development Department, and the supplier of the analysis system.

Image Credit: Leica Microsystems