Personalized medicine is an approach to treating patients which is gaining popularity, particularly where conditions can very from patient to patient, like with cancer. Nanotechnology is a natural partner for this approach.
By Will Soutter
22 Aug 2012
Nanotechnology is billed to revolutionize many areas of science and industry. But will it be a green revolution? This article explores the environmental pros and cons of nanotech.
By Will Soutter
17 Aug 2012
This article explores some of the technologies being investigated by nanotechnology researchers, which could have a profound impact on vaccinations and the wider medical world.
By Will Soutter
16 Aug 2012
In this interview, Professor Robert Dorey talks to AZoNano about his work on personal energy generation technologies, which will have many applications in the military sector, as well as in consumer devices.
By Will Soutter
15 Aug 2012
Solar power is gaining ground as mainstream energy technology, but the cost of materials and low efficiencies are still holding it back.
By Reginald Davey
9 Aug 2012
Hydrogen is an extremely promising form of energy storage. Nanotechnology could provide some of the answers to the problems with production and storage of hydrogen which have been holding back the hydrogen economy.
By Will Soutter
7 Aug 2012
In this interview, Dr Elena Polyakova from Graphene Laboratories talks to AZoNano about the challenges of manufacturing graphene on a large scale, and the opportunities for commercial applications of graphene.
The memory technologies used in today's computers are very limited to specific applications, requiring the use of three or four types of memory in a single system.
By Will Soutter
30 Jul 2012
Photocatalytic nanoparticles can use the energy in sunlight to decompose molecules, from dirt molecules on glass surfaces to water molecules.
By Will Soutter
30 Jul 2012
Nanoparticles in our consumer products will inevitably find their way into the environment. What effect will that have on ecosystems? Can we recover nanoparticles from waste streams?
By Will Soutter
26 Jul 2012