Conventional silicon-based microprocessors will eventually reach a performance limit - some say it will be very soon. Can nanotechnology provide a way to produce the computers of the future?
By Will Soutter
23 Jul 2012
Dr Mark Munch, President of Bruker Nano Surfaces, talks to AZoNano about the challenges and opportunities for AFM research at the Seeing at the Nanoscale event in Bristol.
The AZoNano team attended Bruker's Seeing at the Nanoscale event in Bristol last week. We collected some great video of equipment demos by the Bruker Nano Surfaces team.
Nanosilver has been used to kill off bacteria for well over a hundred years. But do we understand its effects as well as we think?
By Will Soutter
16 Jul 2012
Printing electronics onto flexible substrates is becoming more and more viable, and nanotechnology is helping to make the manufacturing techniques commercially viable and increase the performance of the printed circuits.
By Will Soutter
7 Jul 2012
An ultracapacitor, also known as a supercapacitor, or electrochemical capacitor, is a device for storing electrical energy.
By Will Soutter
6 Jul 2012
Batteries are devices that store electrical energy by converting it to chemical energy, to be released slowly at a later time.
By Will Soutter
5 Jul 2012
Numerous nanotechnology-enhanced packaging products are starting to appear on the market. This article examines the ways in which packaging will improve as these technologies come into play, and the issues which may hinder their widespread adoption.
By Will Soutter
6 Jul 2012
A respirocyte is a hypothetical nanomachine designed to mimic our red blood cells. This article explores how we could go about making one, and what implications the technology could have.
By Will Soutter
28 Jun 2012
Nanomedicine could greatly improve quality of life for diabetes sufferers, from more accurate and convenient glucose monitoring systems to potential cures.
By Will Soutter
27 Jun 2012