Emergent technologies can and must help correct the food system by creating modern convenience foods on a mass scale that mimic and improve on the nutritional value of the most nutritious cooked wild foods for humans.
By Dr. Anthony Robson
12 Jul 2010
The great promise of nanotubes as biosensing elements is the potential to develop systems where direct electron transfer between enzymes and electrodes is possible.
By Professor Joe G. Shapter
1 Jul 2010
Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) are regarded as the next-generation solar cells owing to the low fabrication cost and high photovoltaic efficiency.
By Professor Jianyong Ouyang
1 Jul 2010
For the last decades, nanotechnology has received lots of attention from our society as innovative solutions for the global problems.
By Professor Morinobu Endo
23 Jun 2010
SNOM is the acronym for Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy, an alternative name for NSOM (Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy). The resolution achieved is far better than that which conventional optical microscopes can attain.
By Profesor Aaron Lewis
23 Jun 2010
Suitable for science and engineering graduates with an interest in the development of ultra precision and nanoengineered surfaces and their applications.
MANCEF's (the global Micro and Nanotechnology Commercialisation Education Foundations) mission is: "To connect the global micro and nanotechnology community focused on the challenges and opportunities facing the world"
By Dr. Clive Davenport
8 Jun 2010
Product engineering of micro and nano technology (MNT) devices differs substantially from product engineering in more traditional industries. The general approach is mostly bottom up, as it centres around the available fabrication techniques.
By Dr. Dirk Ortloff
7 Jun 2010
The management of health risk is a complicated process. In this short article, we will outline the method for managing the potential health risks arising from exposure to engineered nanoparticles (ENP).
By Dr. Lang Tran
7 Jun 2010
Nanotechnology, with its unprecedented control over the structure of materials, can provide us with superior materials that will unlock tremendous potential of many energy technologies currently at the discovery phase.
By Professor Javier Garcia-Martínez
7 Jun 2010