As nanoscale tools become more sophisticated, so does our ability to design and to assemble increasingly complex, precise supramolecular structures and devices.
By Professor Paul Weiss
28 Apr 2010
Joining, whether at the nano-, micro- or macro-scale, has been an essential part of manufacturing and assembly of man-made products, providing mechanical coupling and support, electrical connection or insulation, environmental protection, etc.
By Professor Norman Zhou
28 Apr 2010
Dr Krassen Dimitrov and his colleagues at the Single Molecule Nanotechnology group is now working on new methods for electronic detection of nanobarcodes, which will offer higher resolution than fluorescence, yet at very low costs.
By Dr. Krassen Dimitrov
18 Apr 2010
Approaches based on self-assembly of systems from individual components offer tremendous cost advantages and almost a magical ease of manufacturing compared to lithographic methods.
By Dr. Oleg Gang
18 Apr 2010
What is the role of universities and public research institution in providing technologies to the Industry? This is a question with many possible answers that will never reach a consensus if in the first instance we don't consider who Academics are, and what is their goal to achieve.
By Dr. Thierry Bontoux
8 Apr 2010
Nanoporous carbons have long played a role in the areas associated with these Grand Challenges (e.g. purification of drinking water; capture of volatile organic compounds from industry; gas masks), but they have an ever larger role to play into the future.
By Prof. Mark Biggs
8 Apr 2010
This article provides an introductory overview on the stabilization of nonmaterial by biological entities.
By Charusheela Rameteke
23 Mar 2010
Nanoeconomics is the alliance of nanoscience and economics to accelerate the pace of technological change.
By Prof. Edward Cupoli
23 Mar 2010
Dye-sensitized solar cells have received considerable attention as a cost-effective alternative to conventional solar cells.
By Prof. Ashutosh Tiwari
15 Mar 2010
Nanotechnology offers new engineering tools that can help us address the design problems associated with building better implants.
By Prof. Thomas Webster
15 Mar 2010