An international team of researchers from Skoltech, Russia, and Ludwig Maximilians-Universität (LMU), Germany, has gained a new understanding of halide perovskite nanocrystals. Its recent study reveals intricate connections between the composition, light-induced lattice dynamics, and stability of the promising optoelectronic material.
By Ben Pilkington
24 Jun 2021
A study has investigated the use of an integrated carbocatalytic oxidation and hydrothermal hydrolysis of microplastics over magnetic spring-like carbon nanotubes in order to combat plastic pollution.
By Marzia Khan
23 Jun 2021
New research unveils a novel nanotechnology approach to tackling microplastic pollution in water. Scientists have created a nanocoating system that could lead to microplastics that degrade when they come into contact with visible light.
By Ben Pilkington
23 Jun 2021
South Australian-based company Sparc Technologies Limited (ASX:SPN) has secured a US patent for graphene-based materials. These materials can provide new technology for environmental remediation to remove heavy metals from water and convert contaminated water into drinking water.
CNMs are reportedly the solution to the problem of herbicide drift, which causes immense financial loss in the agriculture sector. This article discusses how CNMs have solved herbicide drift faced by farmers.
By Dr. Priyom Bose
18 Jun 2021
Researchers working on the Graphene Flagship Partnering Project 2D-CHEM have developed a new technology for cleaning heavy metal-contaminated water using graphene acid.
By Yulia Yancheva
18 Jun 2021
A team of scientists in Ireland and Scotland is addressing an exciting concept of developing ‘clean energy’ from clothing.
By Marzia Khan
17 Jun 2021
The tiniest aspects of a common naturally occurring substance – ice – need to be closely studied to better understand the largest systems and systemic problems that we face – the weather and environment. Studying the chemistry and physics of ice and finding out why heat is needed to form ice on graphene contributes to this necessary and growing body of knowledge.
By Ben Pilkington
17 Jun 2021
This article will explore the eco-friendly research belonging to scientists at the University of Manchester and construction firm Nationwide Engineering, and how graphene, as the world’s strongest artificial material, has the potential to revolutionize the building industry.
Tiny, nano-sized robots are currently disrupting the field of biomedicine, with particular advancements occurring in applications such as cancer diagnosis and drug delivery.
By Sarah Moore
16 Jun 2021