JPK Instruments, a world-leading manufacturer of nanoanalytic instrumentation for research in life sciences and soft matter, is pleased to announce a new demonstration capability at their Berlin headquarters. In collaboration with Abberior Instruments, visitors to JPK's applications facility will be able to see STED capability demonstrated in conjunction with the NanoWizard® AFMs.

Following collaboration with Abberior Instruments (Göttingen, Germany), visitors to JPK's facility in Berlin will now be able to see a demonstration of STED capability. JPK and Abberior have launched a program to demonstrate the combined features of their NanoWizard® AFMs and STEDYCON systems respectively. Situated in the applications laboratories under the management of JPK's Dr Heiko Haschke, visitors will be able to see real-time demonstrations of simultaneous confocal, STED and AFM techniques.
Co-founded by the 2014 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, Professor Stefan Hell, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, and co-workers from his group in Göttingen and at the German Cancer Research Institute in Heidelberg, Abberior Instruments was founded in 2012 to offer patent-protected, novel superresolution microscopes for general applicability in the life sciences. The company has developed a completely new instrument: the ultimate compact STED plus confocal microscope known as STEDYCON. This converts a conventional epifluorescence microscope into a powerful multi-color confocal and STED system.
This is the perfect complementary partner for the NanoWizard® AFM systems to deliver correlative microscopy on a new level, one which is readily accessible to users from multiple background & disciplines. “It is a unique opportunity to combine the advantages of superresolution light microscopy down to the macromolecular level with the nanometer precise manipulation and imaging skills of JPK’s AFM in a correlative, real-time STED plus AFM setup”, said Dr Matthias Reuss, Abberior Instruments Head of Marketing and Sales.
I am very excited to have the first system in the world integrating the new Abberior STEDYCON into the JPK SPM families. Due to the novel STEDYCON design and interface and the latest JPK ease-of-use strategy, complex STED-AFM experiments have become a routine in our laboratories. The Abberior STEDYCON and the latest JPK NanoWizard® AFMs with their fast AFM technology also allows scientists to investigate nanomechanical and super-resolution optical phenomena at similar temporal and spatial resolution. We are confident that with this system we can finally determine the mechanical properties of actin filaments and microtubules in living cells by manipulating them with the AFM tip on the nanometer scale while simultaneously observing them with STED microscopy.
Dr Heiko Haschke, head of applications, software and customer support at JPK Instruments.
For more details about JPK's AFM systems and their applications for the materials, life & nano sciences, please contact JPK on +49 30726243 500. Alternatively, please visit the web site: or see more on Facebook: and on You Tube: