According to the World Health Organization, cancer is among the leading causes of death worldwide, accounting for 8.2 million deaths in 2012. Researchers from Imperial College London have recently developed a self-assembling nanoparticle which could improve MRI detection of cancer cells.
By Stuart Milne
18 Jul 2014
Researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) have developed a new way of using graphene ribbons to fine tune the wonder material causing it to act like a semiconductor.
By Stuart Milne
17 Jul 2014
Nanotechnology experienced a huge surge 30 years ago when a formation of carbon atoms shaped like a soccer ball was created, which became known as a buckyball. The discoverers were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1996 and the windfall of publicity that followed helped nanotechnology explode into technologists' interests across the world.
By Alessandro Pirolini
17 Jul 2014
Diabetes is a condition which has rapidly become a major health issue in today's society. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that diabetes will become the 7th most common cause of death by 2030. To try and combat this, researchers from Stanford University have developed a new microchip incorporating nanotechnology to help detect type-1 diabetes outside of traditional hospital based tests.
By Stuart Milne
16 Jul 2014
We are constantly seeking to increase the lives of batteries. No matter how advanced a cell phone is or how far an electric vehicle can drive on one charge, there is always the necessity to try and improve the length of time a battery can last before needing to be topped up.
By Alessandro Pirolini
15 Jul 2014
Current battery technology has often posed an issue for many industries. However, the discovery of graphene has given scientists and engineers new options when developing the next generation of energy storage products.
By Stuart Milne
11 Jul 2014
Serious injuries have always been an inherent risk of contact sports. Increased pressure from governing bodies, fans and ultimately the players, has forced teams to make player health a priority.
By Stuart Milne
9 Jul 2014
Ray Morgan, director of Outreach, SEMI Americas, talks to AZoNano about startups, venture capitalists, and the upcoming Silicon Innovation Forum at SEMICON West 2014.
When we think of turbines, we automatically think of those impressive wind turbines reaching 400 feet in height topped by huge blades spinning endlessly on a vast expanse of flat grassland.
By Kris Walker
17 Jun 2014
Karen Salvala, President of SEMI Americas, talks to AZoNano about SEMICON West 2014 and it's position in the nanotechnology sector.