Videos | Nanotechnology Overviews

Nanotechnology Overviews Videos

Nanotechnology Overviews Videos

Perspectives on Nanotechnology (3 of 4)

This video is the third part of an in-depth series of the perspectives of nanotechnology. Harvard chemist George Whitesides defines nanotechnology and shares personal, historical, scientific, and societal perspectives on future nanotech applications and their potential impacts.

Back to Nature for the Next Technology Revolution

Engineering researchers such as Babak Parviz are studying nature on the nanoscale to create the next technology revolution. Imagine using DNA as a template to "grow" electronic devices, or custom designing molecules to build transistors. It could transform our future.

The Future of Learning Based Motion Control

Engineer Fabian Rudnick gives insights into the development process of PI's learning based motion control for the future.

The Dark Secret Of Hendrik Schön - Part 2

This video is the second part of a documentary about science, scams and lies. Imagine a world where disease could be eradicated by an injection of tiny robots the size of molecules. That is the hope offered by nanotechnology - the science of microscopically small machines. But others fear nanotechnology could lead to a non-biological cancer - where swarms of tiny nanobots come together and literally devour human flesh.

Degrees that Work: Nanotechnology

The nanotechnology episode helps to define a technology that uses knowledge of atoms and molecules to enhance modern life through product development and medical research. The 30-minute presentation explores the technology and the related career opportunities with experts in the field.

Nanotechnology and the Consumer (1 of 3)

This video is the first part of an in-depth series about nnanotechnology and the consumer. Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies director David Rejeski talking about nanotechnology, consumer products and public perceptions. A great resource for stimulating discussions on nanotechnology and society in high schools and college classes.

Jacketed Liposome Extruder for Solutions in Nanotechnology

Have you ever wondered how to reach optimal liposome size and carry out pharmaceutical and gene delivery? Here's a closer look at Genizer's Jacketed Liposome Extruder.

Perspectives on Nanotechnology (1 of 4)

This video is the first part of an in-depth series of the perspectives of nanotechnology. Harvard chemist George Whitesides defines nanotechnology and shares personal, historical, scientific, and societal perspectives on future nanotech applications and their potential impacts.

Overview of What Nanotechnology is, Applications and Future Developments

This video is a professionally produced look at what nanotechnology is, current applications of nanotechnology, the promises nanotechnology holds for the future and possible risks involved in nanotechnology.

How to Increase the Accuracy of Laser Seam Welding

This video looks at increasing the accuracy of laser seam welding with galvo scanners and precision linear motion stages.

The Nano Song - A Song About Nanotechnology

Everything you need to know about the wonders of nanotechnology... as a musical... with puppets...

Improving Wafer Inspection & Metrology

This video looks at improving wafer inspection and metrology with air bearings and piezo nanopositioning stages.

The Future of Nanotechnology

Ralph Merkle - nanotechnology pioneer - discusses the future of the field with Salim Ismail, Executive Director of Singularity University. Filmed following Mr Merkle's talks at Singularity University's inaugural Executive Program.

Nanotechnology Overview 4

This video is the second part of an in depth series of video looking at an overview of what nanotechnology is, the history of nanotechnology, applications of nanotechnology and the future of nanotechnology, manufacturing, computers, medicine and energy. This video also looks at the limits of traditional computing and the promise of molecular computers. This video looks at the scanning tunnelling microscope, atomic manipulation, molecular machines, assemblers and molecular manufacturing.

Integrating Active Vibration Control with Nano-Precision Motion Control

Engineers Christopher Mock and Dr. Simon Kapelke give insights into the development process of PI's active damping and vibration compensation solutions for the future.

Introduction to Genizer LLC

Genizer, located in Technology Link in Greater Los Angeles, is dedicated to advancing homogenizer nanotechnology. We provide high pressure homogenizers, liposome extruders, sanitary heat exchangers, diamond interaction chambers, and high pressure gauges compatible with other brands of high pressure homogenizers and high pressure pumps.

Wafer Stealth Dicing for Laser Based Semiconductor Wafer Dicing

This video talks about wafer stealth dicing and motion control for laser based semiconductor wafer dicing.

Perspectives on Nanotechnology (2 of 4)

This video is the second part of an in-depth series of the perspectives of nanotechnology. Harvard chemist George Whitesides defines nanotechnology and shares personal, historical, scientific, and societal perspectives on future nanotech applications and their potential impacts.

Humorous Nanotechnology Documentary

A somewhat humorous short documentary on Nanotechnology created for a Global Media course at Brown University 2007.

The Potential Risk and Rewards of Nanotechnology

Chief Science Advisor of Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN) Dr. Andrew Maynard explains the potential risk and rewards of nanotechnology.

Micro-Hole Laser Drilling

This video looks at micro-hold laser drilling, including how new motion control algorithms and motion stages boost quality and throughput.

Visions of the Future - Part 2

Quantum revolution will give us a whole range of sustainable, renewable energy sources, and it will also give us a new technology whose impact could be even greater, nanotechnology. Nanotechnology will allow us to redesign the world by building with atoms, one by one.

Enabling the Production of Photonic Devices

This video looks at enabling the production of photic devices with fast alignment automation stages and algorithms.

Visions of the Future - Part 1

Quantum revolution will give us a whole range of sustainable, renewable energy sources, and it will also give us a new technology whose impact could be even greater, nanotechnology. Nanotechnology will allow us to redesign the world by building with atoms, one by one.

Latest Technology Developments in Precision Positioning

Discover exciting presentations on the latest technology developments in precision positioning to shape the markets of tomorrow.

Introduction to Nanotechnology and Photolithography

An introduction to the world of nanotechnology and the use of photolithography. Shot at Cornell Nanoscale Facility and produced for Too Small To See.

Nanowires and Nanocrystals for Nanotechnology

Nanowires and nanocrystals represent important nanomaterials with one-dimensional and zero-dimensional morphology, respectively. Here I will give an overview on the research about how these nanomaterials impact the critical applications in faster transistors, smaller nonvolatile memory devices, efficient... View Video

Perspectives on Nanotechnology (4 of 4)

This video is the last part of an in-depth series of the perspectives of nanotechnology. Harvard chemist George Whitesides defines nanotechnology and shares personal, historical, scientific, and societal perspectives on future nanotech applications and their potential impacts.

Nanotechnology - Managing the Small Stuff

Enigmatic, surreal, but hopefully entertaining - A visual exploration of the promise and challenge of nanotechnology presented by Dr. Andrew D. Maynard, chief science advisor, Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies

Big Thinkers - Ralph Merkle - Part 2

This is the second part of the Big Thinkers television program featuring Ralph Merkle. He is a pioneer in public key cryptography, and more recently a researcher and speaker on molecular nanotechnology and cryonics.

Nanotechnology Complilation

Compilation of various nanotechnology related images and videos showing current and future applications of nanotechnology and nanomachines

The Dark Secret Of Hendrik Schön - Part 5

This video is the last part of a documentary about science, scams and lies. Imagine a world where disease could be eradicated by an injection of tiny robots the size of molecules. That is the hope offered by nanotechnology - the science of microscopically small machines. But others fear nanotechnology could lead to a non-biological cancer - where swarms of tiny nanobots come together and literally devour human flesh.

Nanotechnology - Can You Insure it? - Part 2

Reed Smith attorney Matthew Schlesinger discusses nanotechnology in the context of insurance coverage, including discussion of ISO forms and general concerns expressed over coverage so far.

Big Thinkers - Ralph Merkle - Part 1

This is the first part of the Big Thinkers television program featuring Ralph Merkle. He is a pioneer in public key cryptography, and more recently a researcher and speaker on molecular nanotechnology and cryonics.

Nanotechnology 101

Learn why GE is so excited about nanotechnology from Margaret Blohm, manager of GE's nanotechnology lab.

Nanostructures for Electromaterial

Electromaterials underpin modern society. They are materials that conduct electricity and can be found in the batteries that power our cameras and many modern appliances. The battery provides energy through the ability to move electrons from one electrode to the other an ability strongly dependant on the size of the materials.

Nanotechnology Overview 1

This video is part of an in depth series of video looking at an overview of what nanotechnology is, the history of nanotechnology, applications of nanotechnology and the future of nanotechnology, manufacturing, computers, medicine and energy

Graphene: Membranes and their practical applications

Researchers at the University of Manchester explore how graphene's unique properties, can revolutionize industrial processes and address global challenges.

Nanotechnology Overview 2

This video is the second part of an in depth series of video looking at an overview of what nanotechnology is, the history of nanotechnology, applications of nanotechnology and the future of nanotechnology, manufacturing, computers, medicine and energy. This video also looks at the limits of traditional computing and the promise of molecular computers

Nanotechnology - Age of Convergence

We are approaching an evolutionary event horizon, where the organic and the synthetic, the virtual and the "real", are merging together into an operational ecology, an existence morphology for which there is no precendent in the history of which we are currently aware, catalyzed by nanotechnology

Nanotechnology for Fun and Profit

Carnegie Mellon alumnus Ray Baughman (S'64) describes new nanotechnologies.

Magnetic Levitation - Future of Nanopositioning

Discover how magnetic levitation can be used for next level high-precision positioning and the future of nanopositioning.

The Next Big Thing is Really Small

Deb Newberry, the author of "The Next Big is Really Small" discusses the challenges and opportunities with nanotechnology.

How Nanotechnology Impacts Our Everyday Lives

In two videos researchers at Warwick University explain how the small scale world of nanotechnology is having a big impact on our everyday world

Visions of the Future - Part 3

Quantum revolution will give us a whole range of sustainable, renewable energy sources, and it will also give us a new technology whose impact could be even greater, nanotechnology. Nanotechnology will allow us to redesign the world by building with atoms, one by one.

The Dark Secret Of Hendrik Schön - Part 3

This video is the third part of a documentary about science, scams and lies. Imagine a world where disease could be eradicated by an injection of tiny robots the size of molecules. That is the hope offered by nanotechnology - the science of microscopically small machines. But others fear nanotechnology could lead to a non-biological cancer - where swarms of tiny nanobots come together and literally devour human flesh.

How to Make Liposome with HandExtruder

Learn more about the smallest liposome extruder in our product line, the HandExtruder! The HandExtruder works with manual power, meaning you can operate it using only your hands.

A Journey to the Nanoworld

In this video, a microscope probing on a nanoscale is filmed with another microscope during operation. We invite you to take a journey with us through the nanoworld and ultimately explore atomic structures. All movies shown here are made from original microscopy data.

Discover The Secrets of Everyday Stuff

What's materials science? You could call it the study of stuff! Just about everything you use every day -- the shoes you wear, the dishes you eat from, the CDs you listen to, the bike or skateboard you ride -- it's all made of different kinds of stuff.

The Adventures of Nanoman

Working safely with engineered nanomaterials will require learning new tricks. In this lego-mation episode of "The Adventures of Nanoman", Nanoman discovers the challenges of working safely with nanomaterials.

An Inside look at CNSE

Take a look inside CNSE's Albany NanoTech Complex, the most advanced research facility of its kind at any university in the world: a $5 billion, 800,000-square-foot complex that attracts corporate partners from around the world, and offers students a one-of-a-kind academic experience.

Nanotechnology - Can You Insure it? - Part 1

Attorney Matt Schlesinger with Reed Smith LLP talks about nanotechnology and insurance coverage.

Nanotechnology: Using the Very Small to Solve the World's Big Problems

Nanotechnology or nanoscience deals with science and technology on the nanoscale (one billionth of a meter!). It is a field that is rapidly developing and will be at the forefront of scientific and technological innovation in the 21st century.

What is Nanotechnology? A Introductory Video by National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Nanotechnology is defined as the understanding and control of matter at dimensions of roughly 1 to 100 nanometers, a scale at which unique properties of materials emerge that can be used to develop novel technologies and products. At the nanoscale, the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials differ from the properties of matter either at smaller scales, such as atoms, or at larger scales that we use in everyday life such as millimeters or inches. Nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter only a few nanometers in size.

The Future of Motion Control

This video looks at modular control platform design and the future of motion control.

Diamond Interaction Cavity The Core of Homogenization Technology

The diamond interaction chamber is a new generation of ultra-high pressure homogenization chamber. It features a modular design, fixed internal shape, no moving parts, and does not require adjustments to the valve clearances like homogenization valves.

Hand Liposome Extruder Full Version

This video introduces the design principle, basic assembly and operation demonstration of the manual liposome extruder.The HandExtruder works with manual power, meaning you can operate it using only your hands.

Nanotechnology and the Consumer (2 of 3)

This video is the second part of an in-depth series about nnanotechnology and the consumer. Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies director David Rejeski talking about nanotechnology, consumer products and public perceptions. A great resource for stimulating discussions on nanotechnology and society in high schools and college classes.

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, The Next Dimension

Nanosciences and nanotechnologies represent a formidable challenge for the research community and industry. World-class infrastructure, new fundamental knowledge, novel equipment for characterisation and manufacturing, multi-disciplinary education and training for innovative and creative engineering, and a responsible attitude to societal demands are required. This documentary film provides a glimpse of some of the many activities that are being carried out in Europe in these fast-grozing fields of research and technological development.

Introduction to Injection Methods in Micro jet High Pressure Homogenizers

The injection method of the NanoGenizer Nanojet High-pressure Homogenizer is to inject the sample into the high-pressure homogenization chamber through an injection tube. Firstly, the sample to be processed is placed in the injection tube and connected to the high-pressure homogenization chamber.

Big Thinkers - Ralph Merkle - Part 3

This is the third and final part of the Big Thinkers (later TechTV) television program featuring Ralph Merkle. He is a pioneer in public key cryptography, and more recently a researcher and speaker on molecular nanotechnology and cryonics.

Nanotechnology Overview 3

This video is the third part of an in depth series of video looking at an overview of what nanotechnology is, the history of nanotechnology, applications of nanotechnology and the future of nanotechnology, manufacturing, computers, medicine and energy. This video also looks at the limits of traditional computing and the promise of molecular computers. This video also investigates nanotechnology and robotics (including mind control), self assembly, manufactured diamonds and 'the meat machine'.

General Introduction to the World of Nanotechnology

A general introduction to the world of nanotechnology from the people at Sandia National Laboratory.

Video Highlights of DTSC Nanotechnology Symposium - Nov 2009

Industry leaders, academic experts and government officials convened in Sacramento for the fifth nanotechnology symposium sponsored by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). Nanotechnology affects every day products resulting in faster computers, light bulbs that use less energy, cosmetics, and even scratch-resistant automotive coatings. It is an exciting and emerging field that incorporates the design and application of structures, devices and systems by controlling the shape and size of materials at the nanometer scale.

Too Tiny to See

This video explains the basic understanding of nanotechnology and a sense of scale in the nanoworld. Discover real world applications in product development and medical technology.

Introduction to Nanotechnology by Richard Feynman

An introduction to nanotechnology, starting with Richrd Feynman's classic talk in December 1959 "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom - An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics."

Nanotechnology Overview 5

This video is the fifth and final part of an in depth series of video looking at an overview of what nanotechnology is, the history of nanotechnology, applications of nanotechnology and the future of nanotechnology, manufacturing, computers, medicine and energy. This video also looks at the limits of traditional computing and the promise of molecular computers. This video looks at how nanotechnology can be used to prevent pollution and clean up existing pollution and polluted areas of the environment.

The Strange New World of Nanoscience

Where and what is nano? How will it shape our future? Nanoscience is the study of phenomena and manipulation of materials at the nanoscale, where properties differ significantly from those at a larger scale. The strange world of nanoscience - it can take you into atoms and beyond the stars.

Nano Future - Part 1

Part One of the best walk-through of nanotechnology and the potential for its future applications.

NanoSize Me

This video highlights some current and anticipated applications of nanoscale science and engages students in exploring the counterintuitive properties of some specific nanoparticles.

The History of Nanotechnology Research

At an event marking the five-year anniversary of the Wake Forest University Center for Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials, Brown University Professor Thomas Webster discusses the history of nanotechnology research.

The Dark Secret Of Hendrik Schön - Part 4

This video is the fourth part of a documentary about science, scams and lies. Imagine a world where disease could be eradicated by an injection of tiny robots the size of molecules. That is the hope offered by nanotechnology - the science of microscopically small machines. But others fear nanotechnology could lead to a non-biological cancer - where swarms of tiny nanobots come together and literally devour human flesh.

Nanotechnology Roadmap of the 21st Century

This is the initial release of the "Detailed Roadmap of the 21st Century" compilation, a year by year bullet point list of notable advances expected to happen in the 21st century, from 2006 onwards. There are quite a few nanotechnology relevant predictions in the list.

The Future of Nanometer Precise Surface Shaping

Engineers Jonas Reiser and Mathias Winter give insights into the development process of PI's surface shaping solutions for the future.

Nanotechnology and the Consumer (3 of 3)

This video is the last part of an in-depth series about nnanotechnology and the consumer. Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies director David Rejeski talking about nanotechnology, consumer products and public perceptions. A great resource for stimulating discussions on nanotechnology and society in high schools and college classes.

The Dark Secret Of Hendrik Schön - Part 1

This video is the first part of a documentary about science, scams and lies. Imagine a world where disease could be eradicated by an injection of tiny robots the size of molecules. That is the hope offered by nanotechnology - the science of microscopically small machines. But others fear nanotechnology could lead to a non-biological cancer - where swarms of tiny nanobots come together and literally devour human flesh.

Exploring Nanotechnology

This video demonstrates how nanotechnology is changing our world.

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