mPhase Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB:XDSL) attended the NanoBusiness Alliance Public Policy Tour and participated in the Product Showcase on Thursday March 19 in Washington, DC. mPhase took advantage of this event as an opportunity to meet with key members of Congress and other influential members of the nanotechnology community. An important objective of the conference was to personally meet with and present to these individuals as mPhase actively pursues funding from the Stimulus Package.
mPhase showcased its two emerging products, the AlwaysReady Emergency Flashlight and the Smart NanoBattery. The company plans to release images and details about the products within the next week. The Product Showcase was the first time mPhase has introduced the AlwaysReady Emergency Flashlight and Smart NanoBattery models.
Vince Caprio, Vice President of the NanoBusiness Alliance said, "mPhase had a very successful showing at the NanoBusiness Alliance Public Policy Tour. The event was a great success that brought members of the nanotechnology community together for a chance to strategize on commercialization and funding future ventures. mPhase shows true promise to make an impact with their technology and I am excited to watch their progress over the next year."
Said mPhase CEO Ron Durando, "I am very pleased with our showing at the Public Policy Tour. There were several differing perspectives and strategies being discussed by those in attendance and a lot of good ideas were shared. Our meetings and showcase were very important as we prepare to actively pursue Stimulus funding."