Research and Markets, leading source for international market research and market data, has announced the addition of the "Bulk GaN Market 09" report to their offering.
Market analysis for free-standing bulk GaN substrates in various applications: Blue Laser Diodes, HB-LED and Power Electronics
Is there a life for bulk GaN substrate out of the blue laser diode business? How material price decline will open new doors in lighting and power applications
From blue lasers to lighting and power electronics
Today bulk or Free-Standing (FS) GaN substrate market is mostly driven by the blue laser diode production only and its related application in high-density data storage. This market is strongly boosted by the Bluray players and game stations strong demand.
From 2011 and most likely 2012, Ultra-High Brightness (UHB) LEDs will start handling part of the bulk-GaN production. That will only be possible along with bulk-GaN price severe declining. We do forecast that the critical threshold is below $1,500 for a 2" "LED-grade" substrate. Only such a price level will act as leverage for LED market take-off.
2012-2013 will also see the introduction of new power devices based on bulk-GaN. Again, here, that is strongly linked to the pricing of bulk-GaN that will have to compete with 4" and future 6" SiC offer and GaN-on-Silicon alternate technology.
Lack of bulk material pushes for ELO technique
Market is now essentially centered on free-standing material but the shortage of this product has to be compensated by the use of home-made ELO-GaN on sapphire substrates. We assume about 28% of LD was made on ELO-GaN in 2008. This percentage will decrease a little but will stay significant by 2012.
Asia dominates the substrate business but EU and US exhibit credible challengers
The main free-standing producer remains Sumitomo, mostly supplying Nichia and Sony for laser production. Others challengers such as Hitachi-cable (now sampling 3" wafers) or Mitsubishi Chemical are becoming more and more present.
In Europe, LumiLOG, now part of Saint-Gobain group, is fine-tuning its product line-up for the LED illumination business; Ammono and TopGaN are improving their strong expertise in low dislocation density crystals.
US is mainly focusing on non or semi-polar material, with Kyma, Inlustra Technologies or Oxford Instruments (TDI).
By 2015, bulk GaN for LED will dominate the substrate market in volume
2" substrates production volume could reach about 100,000 units by 2010, leading to a relative $240M market for both free-standing and ELO. Beyond 2013, the growing demand for bulk GaN in LED lighting applications will rapidly dominates the market in volume
This report presents the detailed major market metrics of the current and projected bulk / free-standing GaN substrate business, describing the targeted applications, the key players, the volumes and related market size of each segment. It gives the possible total accessible market for GaN substrates, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of this technology over the current established epiwafer or ELO technologies. It describes the recent progress in crystalline quality as well as the new challenges offered by non-polar and semi-polar GaN material
Benefits of the report for equipment and material manufacturers:
- Analysis of the structure of the bulk GaN industry and evolution of the industrial food chain
- Calculation of wafer volumes to be produced for each market segments: Laser, Power, LED...
- Breakdown Free-Standing / ELO usage in blue lasers
Benefits of the report for the GaN devices manufacturers:
- Analysis of the current applications and detailed analysis of the future businesses
- Analysis of the competition from large companies to small start up
- Volumes and prices forecasts
- Alternative solutions analysis to the use of GaN devices