Oct 20 2009
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Research has published a call for tenders to analyse options for a European nanotechnology research and development (R&D) strategy.
The study aims to establish a monitoring system that will allow examination of the economic impact of nanotechnologies and nanosciences, examine how nanoscale research, products and markets are evolving over time; and present detailed analyses of key domains for future investments (modalities, instruments, expected impacts) in nanotechnology R&D, showing the highest growth potential for European industry and society at large.
The study is meant to set up a tool and to collect data for monitoring the economic and innovation performance of a range of sectors of the economy in which nanotechnologies do, or could, play a significant role.
For further information, please contact:
European Commission
Directorate-General for Research
Directorate G: Industrial technologies
Office CDMA 6/133
Attn: Ms Nathalie Van Neck
B-1049 Brussels
Tel. +32 2 2969 403
Fax +32 2 2986 150
To see the full details of the call, please consult the following web address:
Remarks: The deadline for requesting tender documents is 29 November 2009.
The deadline for submitting tender documents is 4 December 2009.
Before contacting the Commission, tenderers are strongly advised to consult the original call text.