Jul 8 2010
The College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering ("CNSE") of the University at Albany, in partnership with the American Red Cross, held its 2nd Annual Blood Drive on July 8 at CNSE's Albany Nanotech Complex. More than 80 people representing CNSE students, faculty, staff and global corporate partners participated in this year's blood drive, which was held in memory of Alivia Lovell, the daughter of CNSE Integration Engineer Dave Lovell.
"During Alivia's battle with cancer, she received countless blood and platelet transfusions," said Lovell. " Without people donating their time and blood products, we would have never been able to enjoy Alivia's life for as long as we did."
The American Red Cross estimates that a single blood donation can help save up to three lives, and that every two seconds, someone in America needs blood. Nearly 14 million units of red blood cells are used annually for blood transfusions. On any given day, about 38,000 units of red blood cells are needed to treat accident victims, children and adults undergoing surgery, and patients receiving treatment for cancer and other diseases.