Zyvex Technologies worked together with COSI and The Ohio State University on March 30 to celebrate NanoDays, an educational program held nationwide to educate parents and children about nanoscale science and engineering. COSI anticipated an attendance of over 5,000 visitors for NanoDays.
COSI is the number #1 children's science museum in the nation, according to Parent Magazine. Supporting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) development for children, Zyvex demonstrated the use of nanotechnology in everyday objects and educated the children and families on the science behind it in a fun, hands-on way.
Children played with sporting goods, including baseball bats, bike wheels and hockey sticks that demonstrate the use of nanotechnology from Zyvex. The sports equipment is lighter, stronger and more durable because of carbon nanomaterials. Nearby, at the permanent nano exhibit courtesy of the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Network), children built models of carbon nanotubes out of giant foam carbon atoms.
"It's surprising to parents and children that nanotechnology isn't complicated and that it's in real applications," says Mike Nemeth, Director, Commercial and Defense Applications for Zyvex Technologies. "Many visitors had products in their home powered by our technology and they didn't even know it."
Zyvex celebrated its 15th anniversary last year. Their customers use the power of carbon nanotechnology to make better products in sporting goods, marine, automotive, industrial, and aerospace applications.