Nov 26 2007
There are a large number of older Polytec PSV-100 and PSV-200 scanning laser vibrometer systems in daily use still giving good service, but increasingly, they are becoming more vulnerable with regard to servicing and repair.
Polytec want to be able to support their customers, but it is now just not possible to obtain spares and support aged software/operating systems. To help existing users replace these systems and to enjoy the capabilities of the current PSV series of instruments, Polytec are offering a special Trade-In programme for these earlier systems.
Therefore, any customer who has a full PSV-100 or PSV-200 system (with valid software licence key), may purchase a new PSV-400 in exchange for their old system and receive the current PSVSoft Software – FREE OF CHARGE! (This equates to a saving of ~28% over the normal cost of a PV-400).
The current PSV-400 systems covered by this offer are:
- PSV-400-M2 – 1 MHz, ±10 m/s, 2 channel system
- PSV-400-H4 – 80 kHz, ±10 m/s, 4 channel system
- PSV-400-B – 40 kHz, ±10 m/s, 2 channel system
There will be further savings of 25% offered on hardware and software options, ordered at the same time, including:
- PSV-A-420 Geometry Scan Unit – provides range and shape information on the scanned structure
- PSV-A-410 Coaxial Attachment – provides inline viewing and scanning capability for close up working
A Minimum of 3 Software Options – (including software maintenance) each with a full list price of >£800, excl. VAT.
The following conditions apply:
- The existing old PSV hardware and hardlock must be returned to Polytec.
- Customer will receive all software options that were already installed on the old system, plus all later software options, which are now standard. This applies only to software options which are still available for the PSV-400 and do not require additional hardware.
- Optional hardware and software not covered by this programme is available at regular pricing.
- This offer is valid until June 30, 2008. It may not be combined with any other discount programmes. Other existing trade-in programmes for PSV-100 or PSV-200 no longer apply.
For more information on the current PSV-400 scanning vibrometers, see: