CSEM SA, the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, is a privately held, knowledge-based company carrying out:
CSEM is mainly active in the fields of micro/nanotechnology, microelectronics, systems engineering, information and communication technologies.
By offering its high-tech know-how, competencies and expertise, CSEM anticipates and fulfils the needs of industrial partners. In particular, it supplies customized microsystems, microelectronic designs and system solutions, as well as services for high-tech coatings and new materials. Thanks to multidisciplinary skills, systems knowledge and networking with different partners, vertical integration is a strong asset of CSEM.
CSEM also develops its own commercial activities, either with existing companies or through the creation of spin-off and start-up companies.
CSEM has signed a long-term contract with the Swiss Government to finance its own applied research, with the aim to offer an operative innovation platform in various high-tech fields to potential customers.
CSEM operates in Neuchâtel (headquarters), Zurich and Alpnach, near Lucerne. CSEM is also internationally active in many European countries as well as overseas, especially in the US and Japan. CSEM has a large portfolio of industrial, governmental and European projects.
At the end of 2004, the company had a staff of ~280 employees, over two thirds of whom hold an academic degree. In 2004, CSEM realized a consolidated income of € 33 million. Over the past five years, CSEM generated 22 independent spin-off and start-up companies. They currently employ more than 350 employees.
Primary Activity