A team of researchers led by the Director at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, Professor Gerhard Rempe who also heads the Quantum Dynamics Division, has observed that light can be squeezed out of a single atom, thus delivering better dynamics.
The atom interacts strongly with light within a cavity to change the wave-like characteristics of the light field, thus lowering its phase or amplitude fluctuations below that permitted for classical electromagnetic radiations. Researchers are observing squeezed light emitted from a single atom for the first time.
Photons in light waves have a certain “graininess” due to which slight fluctuations of the wave’s phase and amplitude are caused. When interactions are created between photons the amplitude fluctuations can be squeezed below a shot-noise level at the cost of enhancing phase fluctuations and vice versa. Single atoms are capable of initiating such interactions with light by emitting photons. A single atom’s ability to emit squeezed light was discovered 30 years ago. However, the amount of light released is very low and all attempts to realize this phenomena have failed. Complex techniques have been developed over several years at MPQ to isolate, cool and handle single atoms, which resulted in the success of this observation.
A single rubidium atom is held within a cavity made using a pair of reflective mirrors having a gap of one tenth of a millimetre. The presence of a weak laser light in this cavity enables the atom to react with a single photon several times to produce an artificial molecule with the light photons. As a result, two photons can penetrate the system simultaneously and get linked.
When a laser beam that has an equal resonance as the excitation frequency of the atom used, the measurements show that the phase fluctuations are controlled. When researchers use a laser light, which is resonant with the cavity, they witness a squeezing of the amplitude. The atom present in the cavity converts a laser beam into light having low amplitude and greater phase variations when compared to the shot-noise limit. The single atom’s ability to stimulate tough coherent interactions between propagating photons paves the way for photonic quantum logic using single emitters.