Mar 20 2012
MICRO.NANO.MEMS 2013, the Ultra Precision Manufacturing Expo returns to the Donald E. Stephens Center, Rosemont, IL on the 13-14 March 2013. Rebranded to better reflect the breadth of ultra precision manufacturing processes featured within the event, MICRO.NANO.MEMS 2013 will further build on the success of the 2012 event.
Reflecting the growing trend towards the miniaturisation of parts, structures and devices across an increasing number of manufacturing sectors, MICRO.NANO.MEMS has rapidly grown to become the USA's leading annual exhibition and conference to focus on Ultra Precision manufacturing processes and technologies, attracting visitors from a wide spectrum of industries such as Aerospace, Automotive, Defence, Electronics, Medical Device and Telecomms.
Continuing our commitment to educating the Micro, Nano and MEMS communities, the conference and seminar programs that accompany MICRO.NANO.MEMS are completely free to attend and there are no registration fees for attendees. If your role involves designing, manufacturing or measuring in the Micro, Nano or MEMS environments then MICRO.NANO.MEMS is the essential event of 2013.