Sep 25 2013
A recent issue of ASC Macro Letters features research research cover images Assistant Professor Jodie Lutkenhaus and her post-doctoral research, Jared Mike, PhD., of the Artie McFerrin Department of Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M University.
In this month’s Viewpoint article, Lutkenhaus addresses the current state and future challenges of electrochemically active polymers(EAPs) for application in electrochemical energy storage.
The cover image shows a close-up view of how energy is stored and released inside an electrochemically active polymer. During discharge, the polymer cathode takes up electrons and releases anions into the electrolyte. At the anode, lithium releases ions into the electrolyte and gives up electrons. During charge, the process is reversed.
The team was featured once before on the May 6, 2013 cover of C&EN, for a similar topic, flexible polymers as a power source.
Dr. Lutkenhaus's research interests focus on designing organic thin films and nanostructures to enable the development of novel organic energy systems and smart-coatings. Areas of investigation include learning how polymer thin films behave in confinement; fabrication of polymer nanowires and nanotubules; polyelectrolytes and layer-by-layer assembly; designing lithium-ion battery electrode and electrolyte materials; and understanding electrochemical processes within these materials.
ACS Macro Letters publishes research in all areas of contemporary soft matter science in which macromolecules play a key role, including nanotechnology, self-assembly, supramolecular chemistry, biomaterials, energy generation and storage, and renewable/sustainable materials. The scope of the journal includes high-impact research of broad interest in all areas of polymer science and engineering, including cross-disciplinary research that interfaces with polymer science.