Jul 17 2007
Terasem Movement, Inc. announced today its Third Annual Workshop on Geoethical Nanotechnology will be held Friday, July 20, 2007 to honor the 38th anniversary of the first human lunar landing. The Workshop will explore downloading minds into bio-nano bodies and similar technologies thought to be essential for interstellar colonization. Geoethical nanotechnology is atom-by-atom assembly techniques that are subject to a consensual review, approval and audit process.
The Workshop proceedings are open to the public via real-time video and conference call and will be subsequently archived online for free public access. The public is invited to watch, listen, and call a toll-free conference-call dial-in line from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. EDT. Callers from the continental US and Canada may dial 1-888-288-9321; other countries: (00+1) 1- 719-234-0201. The participant passcode number is: 942238
Each Workshop presentation is designed for a 15-20 minute delivery, followed by a 20 minute formal question and answer period, during which time questions from the worldwide audience will be invited.
This year's non-affiliated speakers by order of presentation are: Professor of Cybernetics, Kevin Warwick, Ph.D., University of Reading, United Kingdom; Professor Carola Leuschner, Ph.D., Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University; Professor Dame Julia Polak of the Centre for Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine, Imperial College, United Kingdom; and Professor Challa S.S.R. Kumar, Center for Advanced Microstructures, Louisiana State University.