As a company, The Microscopy & Imaging Place is the culmination of nearly two decades of energetically expanding services to our industry. Founded as a consortium of experts offering customized, on-site courses in all areas of microscopy, image analysis, and sample preparation, the original company (Microscopy/Marketing & Education or MME), rapidly became the #1 source for market research in this poorly reported market sector (1991). New product launches and branding followed shortly thereafter (1994), followed by the logical progression to business plan construction and VC support (1998), and, ultimately, to new business structuring. 2003-2004 saw the first fruit of that effort with the launch of NanoTech-America, a full support agency for NT-MDT, a Russian company which had several unsuccessful efforts at penetrating the US market, and, in 2005-2007, the launch of BASYK, Inc., our first efforts at full manufacturing and commercialization, focused on a new paradigm for semiconductor metrology. Along the way, we've extended our core competencies in microscopy and imaging to include myriad imaging technologies for biotechnology and nanotechnology.
When asked what we do today, we can say, with pride that "We Grow Companies, " specifically in microscopy and imaging. Whether it is hard-core market research to provide concrete, risk-reducing data for new product launches, strategies and processes for sales and marketing, collateral and web development, or full corporate structuring, the MIP has successfully partnered with its clients to provide a solid foundation for their growth and success. Our clients look to us for a unique matrix of technical expertise, marketing and sales know-how, and business development, all targeted to this particular niche of analytical instrumentation. Our charter, very simply, is to use that unique matrix to help them get to market more quickly, more effectively, and with greater return on investment.